LFA First Response stocks a range of EpiPen pharmacy products and associated accessories to the management of allergies. We stock high-quality anaphylaxis and asthma kits, auto-injectors cases, EpiPen trainers and allergy products for adults and children.

Anaphylaxis and asthma kits

LFA First Response stocks an anaphylaxis and asthma kit that contains everything you need in an allergy or asthma emergency including adult and junior EpiPen, asthma inhaler, asthma spacer, and asthma and anaphylaxis action plans. We also carry a separate anaphylaxis kit including adult and junior EpiPen and an anaphylaxis action plan contained in a dust and waterproof plastic case.

Auto-injector cases

We stock a range of auto-injector cases that are designed to protect and transport your EpiPen or other auto-injection devices. They include an ID tag attached to the case which allows for your details to be recorded. Our auto-injector cases come with Velcro closures for easy access to your device and the padded design means that you can be confident that your injector will be protected.


We carry both adult and junior EpiPens which are an auto-injection device containing adrenaline which are designed to block the progression of an allergic response in the body. These products are best used on the outer thigh and the injection is automatically administered once the orange end comes into contact with the skin. The injectors are easy to use and can be used by non-medical individuals in emergency situations.

At LFA First Response, we carry a range of general pharmacy items including products for allergies, asthma relief, hot and cold treatments, pain relief, anti-inflammatories and personal care. For a range of EpiPen pharmacy products and other accessories, contact LFA First Response today. If you require a pharmacy product that we don’t stock, simply contact us and we can help.

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