First AidInformativePreventive HealthWound Care What Expires in a First Aid Kit

What Expires in a First Aid Kit: Understanding the Shelf Life of Medical Supplies

A well-stocked first aid kit is a necessity in all workplaces, schools, businesses and healthcare settings. To be fully prepared in the event of a medical emergency, all the products in a first aid kit should be in good working order – and this includes still being within date.

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First AidInformativeWound Care First Aid for Marine Bites Stings

Our Guide to First Aid for Marine Bites & Stings

The hot weather is here, which means more and more people are spending time at the beach and in the water. Marine stings or bites can happen to anyone, and in Australia, there is the risk of a marine sting every time we’re in or on the water. It’s important to know first aid for marine bites and stings so that you know how to respond as quickly as possible.

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Covid-19 ProtectionFirst AidInformativePreventive HealthTraining Properly Use a Thermometer

How to Properly Use a Thermometer to Read Body Temperature

One part of an immune response the body may undergo when sick is an increase in body temperature, which is known as a fever. Let’s take a look at how to use a thermometer, the different kinds of thermometers, and how to regulate body temperature.

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First AidInformativePreventive Health how to use an epipen

How Does an EpiPen Work & How to Administer it in an Emergency

Epinephrine is the fastest and most effective way to reverse the effects of a severe allergic reaction. In Australia, the EpiPen is the most common epinephrine auto injector, providing fast and safe emergency treatment for anaphylaxis. In this guide, we explain how an EpiPen works, and how to administer one in an emergency situation.

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